Minggu, 06 November 2016

Dasar Dari Fungsi serta Tahapan Yang Sangat penting Dari Askep [Asuhan Keperawatan ]


Nursing Care Of

The basis of the function as well as a very important Stage Of Askep [Nursing Care]

Dasar Dari Fungsi serta Tahapan Yang Sangat penting Dari Askep [Asuhan Keperawatan ]
Dasar Dari Fungsi serta Tahapan Yang Sangat penting Dari Askep [Asuhan Keperawatan ]

Nursing care Is a series of actions in a service of process are given against a patient in a health care by following the rules and norms of norm Nursing rule based on an issue that is going towards a patient as well as the requirements needed by a patient.

Functions in the profession believe is that people assume like:d okter, a nurse, midwife or other health profession most communities haven't been well-informed, in karenakan understanding the function of the keprofesian not understand completely, because the public never knew the meaning of the sense of the ASKEP, as said by the health experts

"The process is a method of nursing care nursing (askep), dynamic, systematic scientific (according to theoretical studies), and is performed on an ongoing basis in the context of the patient's health problem solving, starting from some process of assessment i.e. nursing diagnosis, nursing, then the execution of the judgement or evaluation of nursing actions until then documenting results of nursing action itself so if at any time it needs so it can be used again its existence (Ali: 1997)".

Clear systematic principles of nursing care [askep] is a community service should provide actions according to the needs of patients according to standard functions well against care exception for that has been carrying out its like functional.

Once we know the systematic nursing against patients arising questions such as what is the function of the nursing? .... of course we discussed about the function of Nursing:

The function Of Nursing Care

As a guide and reference for every functional health official to do nursing actions in order to solve problems that are being faced by a patient.

As a tool for measuring functional health personnel a professionalism when doing serangkan nursing actions against his patients.

As a tool in ensuring the freedom of a patient for services according to needs and purposes in the resolve the problem that is being.
[ASKEP] Nursing care of medically has 6 Stages that must be/mandatory we know of them:

1. The study of nursing

Study of nursing or nursing assessment is a series of tindakkan early in the process of nursing the patients. This step is required in order to obtain information and data that is required from the patient, from the aspect of physical, mental, as well as other symptoms and the patient's self or related illnesses suffered by patients themselves.

2. Nursing Diagnosis

To the stage of the nursing diagnosis for a functional health include the following matters:

Actual: explain the real problems currently corresponds to data clinic found.

Risks: Explaining the real health problems will occur if the intervention is not done.
Possibilities: explains that the need for additional data to ensure nursing issues likely.
Wellness: Clinical Decision about an individual, a family or a community in transition from a certain level of peace ketingkat peace.
Syndrom: diagnose which consists of actual nursing diagnosis and groups at high risk are estimated to arise/arose due to an event or a particular situation.

3. The nursing Plan

Nursing plan is a series of action description is written, including the plan of action that will be performed on each patient in order to change the status of health status at the time of the first to get the care of nursing itself. Therefore the nursing plan this could also be called as guidelines written for each functional health in providing Ministry orphanage keperawatannya.
4. Implementation of nursing

In the study of the stages of Implementation of nursing in General, there are three very important Stages of course often 21 days by a functional health are:

1. Phase I:

Preparation. The early stages of this nursing action demanding to evaluate a nurse diindentifikasi in the planning stages.

2. Phase II:

The intervention. The focus of care is the Act of implementation phase activities and the implementation of action planning to meet physical and emotional needs. The approach includes the action of nursing actions: independent, dependent, and interdependen.

3. Phase III:

The documentation. Implementation of nursing actions must be followed by a complete and accurate record-keeping to a Genesis in nursing process.
5. Evaluation of nursing

Stages of evaluation of nursing is very important here, where on this stage success of nursing actions has been granted can be done by comparing the patient's independence between levels in everyday life and the level of advancement of the health of the patient. As for the evaluation of the nursing process which has been carried out can be done by way of compare between the process of with guidelines/plan the process. While the success of the action can be seen with the purposes for which it has been in previous deduce.

6. Documentation of nursing

In an act of care nursing (askep), documenting and archiving the data each process of nursing care is important evidence useful for several parties, both for functional health itself as well as for the patient or for certain institutions that need it.

It is siatematik about [ASKEP] Function in studies of Nursing Care as well as functional in step that do do his job serving the people/pasiensemoga is beneficial for all of us.


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File Entry Pendidikan Berbagi Ilmu Akademi Keperawatan ,Akademi Kebidanan Serta Pendidikan Sekolah Secara Gratis Dengan Ikhlas.

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